Interior Painting Ideas for Bedrooms 2011 : Someone who wants a tinge of energy in their bedroom, painting the walls in white color and making designs on them in warm colors such as red is a good idea. Making circles of various sizes with red paint on the four corners while keeping the room walls plain white will even out the effect of warm color on your bedroom, at the same time, the warm color will lend energy to the room. Color combination, keep the room accessories red and white as well.
Mellow is the theme that grown ups prefer. Paint the bedroom with one wall decked up in fine wine and the rest in snow white. Mystical combination, which gets an aura of calmness into your room.
Bedroom painting ideas are just not about aesthetics, but about personal balance too. other combinations can be like, coffee brown with beige, black satin on one wall, with the others in pure white, etc.
Interior Painting Ideas for 2011 stencils can be used over the base color to add a different and simple design to the walls. Interior Painting Ideas for 2011 many cool wall painting designs which have stenciling done. For example Add stencils of cartoons in the kids bedroom. Read more on flower wall stencils for painting.
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